The numbers for mobile subscribers and mobile web users in China are mind blowing, but when the enormity of the population is taken into account, how does China compare with the US on mobile?
See full story on searchenginewatch.com
The numbers for mobile subscribers and mobile web users in China are mind blowing, but when the enormity of the population is taken into account, how does China compare with the US on mobile?
See full story on searchenginewatch.com
In-stream mobile adverts are preferred by mobile device users. That’s according to new research from mobile brand advertiser, Kargo. The Captivate vs. Aggravate neuro-science study assessed various mobile ad formats to find out which one was the most captivating for consumers versus those that cause some level of aggravation.
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
Building a cool tool or an app is half of the battle. Marketing it is even harder and more overwhelming. Here’s a handy guide for you to use.
See full story on searchenginewatch.com
What’s Google targeting next in its latest attempt to improve its search rankings? How can you create content that gets attention from the Big Boss? Check out these topics and more plus get a sneak peek into the future from the latest digital marketing news.
See full story on digitalcurrent.com
A new study from Opera Mediaworks has looked at where mobile advertising money is being spent in the Asia-Pacific countries (APAC), and perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, app ads are dominating general mobile ads. In two of the most significant countries in the region, Singapore and Thailand, in-app ad spend is more than 13 times greater than normal mobile web advertising.
See full story on pacedm.com
India has become one of the leading markets for app development and app advertising growth. Indeed, the country is now the second-largest smartphone market globally, overtaking the US in February 2016 with over 220m smartphone users, says CounterpointResearch.
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
Mobile app marketers will lose up to $100 million this year due to app install and engagement advertising fraud.
See full story on venturebeat.com
With mobile devices an ever-present fixture of modern life, keeping up on mobile marketing trends is more important than ever. When looking to improve customer acquisition rates, customer conversions and retention rates, fine tuning how your audience interacts via their mobile device is key to maximizing your revenue.
See full story on oracle.com
I am still amazed by the rise of the iPhone over the last 12 months (and by the way, this is not an Apple sponsored post). In a recent article “Is Mobile Social Media Making Women Geeks?” I wrote about the high take up of the iPhone by my friends and colleagues.
See full story on jeffbullas.com
First there were “mobile editors.” Then there were mobile innovation labs. Now there are mobile journalism awards, mobile media trainings and yes, even entire mobile media conferences.
See full story on mediashift.org
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