What makes mobile apps a smart choice for business? Well, its all about the pocket end-to-end user experience that makes it easier for businesses to engage and retain their customer interest.
See full story on business2community.com
What makes mobile apps a smart choice for business? Well, its all about the pocket end-to-end user experience that makes it easier for businesses to engage and retain their customer interest.
See full story on business2community.com
Mobile is the current and next frontier for content marketing. Reports show that 65% of digital media time is now spent on a mobile device. Not only that, all digital growth is now coming from mobile usage expect to see desktop traffic stagnate or reduce while mobile traffic continues to grow.
See full story on toprankblog.com
As we begin our descent to the end of 2016, its vital for small businesses to look ahead to 2017 and beyond. Creative marketing can set your business apart from the pack, so its wise to stay updated on new approaches and trends.
See full story on smallbiztrends.com
As my department at 3Q Digital grows, I get the chance to talk to a lot of people across a variety of verticals, responsibilities, levels and points of view (sellers, buyers and decision-makers). Invariably, the first questions across the table are the all-too-familiar But do I really need an agency? Cant I do it myself? Can’t I hire a few smart kids to do Google and Facebook for me?
See full story on marketingland.com
How many times you just ask yourself : what am I doing wrong? Why I’m still chasing companies to be paid? How can I raise my revenues selling my online traffic?
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
How does brand impact app installs? That’s a question TUNE sought to answer with a number of related consumer and app-download studies.
See full story on marketingland.com
With a constant growth of mobile audience it becomes apparent that mobile traffic monetization is crucial for every money-focused website owner. A recent study shows that 76% of internet access is from mobile in 2016, and its not about to stop growing.
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
Us marketers are used to hearing our peers banging on about the need to optimize for mobile. If you are thinking about going that step further with mobile marketing and developing your own mobile app, you’ll want to know which mobile operating system you should build your app for.
See full story on smartinsights.com
Google announced three new features for app marketers to use when promoting their apps via Universal App Campaigns, the campaign type that automatically syndicates app promotion ads across Google search, YouTube, Play store and Google Display Network.
See full story on marketingland.com
We’re all about finding that “secret source.” However, we have to systematically think this out so we make full use of every traffic source out there. Regardless if a traffic source works for a particular campaign or not, I like to make sure I come out with at least some knowledge so I’m constantly learning how the industry is evolving.
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
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