There were record e-commerce sales over the past weekend, as more consumers shopped online. However, the rise of mobile commerce is the larger and more interesting story.
See full story on marketingland.com
There were record e-commerce sales over the past weekend, as more consumers shopped online. However, the rise of mobile commerce is the larger and more interesting story.
See full story on marketingland.com
There are thousands of creative people out there who love the affiliate marketing business, live comfortably, work their own hours, and work from their own homes. Below you can find 5 reasons to be an Affiliate Marketeer in 2017.
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
There’s good news for mobile marketers: smartphone users who regularly download apps, average 3.5 per month. The bad news is almost half of all smartphone users don’t download any apps during that time. Put it all together and the average for all adult smartphone users equals two app downloads per month.
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
Ten steps to help advertisers, agencies, ad platforms and publishers get on top of mobile ad fraud, with tips from the experts and guidelines to follow.
See full story on searchenginewatch.com
To help app marketers improve retention and engagement rates with users who have already downloaded their apps, Google has added the ability to upload advertising IDs to AdWords. It’s a bit like Customer Match for apps.
See full story on searchengineland.com
People love to interact with their media brands in a two-way conversation. We heard from local media brands in Austria (VOL.AT) and Germany (HNA) how they are interacting and engaging with readers through WhatsApp, Snapchat, and even Viber (24Sata in Croatia).
See full story on inma.org
Given the profound impact that 4G had on mobile advertising, and the fact that by 2020, there will be an estimated 20.8 billion connected devices in the world, the advent of 5G represents an enormous opportunity within the world of mobile.
See full story on searchenginewatch.com
Over the past couple of years, Google has shown a strong focus on user experience on mobile devices. They have developed their algorithms to address customer experience and usability and to encourage organizations to meet certain standards.
See full story on searchengineland.com
Marketing departments in the U.S. and UK should be sending up a big cheer these days. That’s because a new survey by research firm Gartner, Inc. confirms that their budgets are continuing to rise.
See full story on mobilemarketingwatch.com
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change. But, where can you get the quality traffic asap?
See full story on mobyaffiliates.com
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